Embracing the Gift

As educators, we get the illustrious opportunity to engage our student’s stories in unique ways. What are we doing with that gift?

Are we helping kids to live an honest, meaningful story that is uniquely theirs?

Do we ignore their story to push someone else’s agenda? Either politician or curriculum companies?

Or, do we embrace the gift?

Do we take the time to learn their stories and act as a guide in their hero journey?

Do we sit beside as a sage, apprenticing kids in the art of learning, or do we force an agenda that was handed to us?

We all long to live a story of purpose, one that is wholly our own. Our students are no different. In the whole course of history, no one has lived in the time that we have, with the same people we have, with the experiences that we have.

We meet students in the midst of their story, what are we doing to help them tell it?

Did you have a favorite teacher? What made them your favorite? Was it the way they saw you? The way they embraced you? The way they made you feel valued and valuable? Like maybe your story was worth engaging? Like maybe you could be the hero of the story?

As k-12 educators, we get to be involved in the most formational years of life. We inform the foundation. We are those who help set the stage. In a lot of ways, we are like Q in the James Bond movies. We are those who equip for the journey and adventure.

What an amazing opportunity we have to change the world!

How are you engaging your student’s story?

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